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Amazons more than any other parrot use body language to communicate. You can usually tell just by looking at them what they are going to do before they do it. People call them “moody” but it’s more like they are 100% honest about their feelings, and they can be rather “opinionated” at times. Sometimes that means, “Sorry, I’m just not interested right now.” When they tell you something like that, especially if they continue to tell you that, and you ignore it, then don’t be surprised if they bite. Buy Amazon parrot online
Wing flapping: (Usually accompanied by squawking.) If your bird is standing upright, and flapping at you, it generally means: “HEY DUMMY, I’M TRYING TO GET YOUR ATTENTION HERE, AND I’M GETTING FRUSTRATED BECAUSE YOU DIDN’T NOTICE.” Baby Yellow Naped Amazons
Recoil in Horror: (Usually accompanied by growling) This one is unmistakable. Fear, bordering on panic. It means (a) get that thing away from me; or if there is no object involved, (b) get that person away from me. (Often just before, “I’m either going to fly away OR I’m going to bite the crap outta someone. I just haven’t decided which yet.”) Show them something new, and this is usually their first reaction. Give it five minutes, it’ll probably change to “That’s mine” once they get used to the offending person or object.
Displacement/lunge biting: Here’s a clue! See this thing?! That’s gonna be your [INSERT BODY PART HERE] if you continue to do what, it looks like you’re planning to do. Just back away from the cage, and no one gets hurt. AMAZONS DON’T BLUFF. (That would be macaws.) This is not a test. It is a simple statement of fact. I am telling you right now, I WILL BITE YOU. DON’T YOU DARE LOOK SURPRISED WHEN IT HAPPENS… You were warned!
Big Bird: This is the closest amazons come to “bluffing.” Wings spread. Making themselves look bigger. Standing straight up. “I’m the big bad birdie… DO NOT mess with me.” They’re not actually fixing to attack you. They just want to look menacing. And they are only bluffing to a point. If he’s doing that, I wouldn’t be in a hurry to stick your fingers within striking range. Normally they just turn in slow circles with their wings open. As long as you’re not aggressive, they won’t be either.
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